What The Foot Book - Video Companion Course
CourseFor the first time, my book What The Foot is now available in a digital format. We have created it as a course on our platform so that we could also include the What The Foot book companion videos which you will bump into throughout the book.
Closed Chain Biomechanics Of The Lower Limb
Course4.9 average rating (15 reviews)The intention of this online course is to introduce you to the foundations of Gary's work, build on the insight you gained from reading What The Foot? and to put it all together in a format that creates the foundation for further work with Gary.
Biomechanics Of The Upper Body In Motion
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)A detailed analysis and three dimensional exploration of the upper body segments including arms and the impact these structures have on the surrounding body tissues and the way you move in every day life
Live Training: Closed Chain Biomechanics Of The Lower Limb
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)2 Day Live Training of Closed Chain Biomechanics Of The Lower Limb Course. Taught by Gary Ward in London.
Live Training: Biomechanics Of The Upper Body In Motion
Course5.0 average rating (7 reviews)2 Day Support Material for the Biomechanics Of The Upper Body In Motion Course. Taught by Gary Ward in London.